Copyright © 2024
 Orleans Farmers' Market, Inc.
Please contact us for permission before using content of this site. We try not to use copyrighted content on this site without permission, and will gladly remove anything that is brought to our attention.

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Thank you to everyone for growing, eating and supporting local food from the land and sea! 
Celebrating 30 Years
of Regenerating
Cape Cod Agriculture
by promoting Locally grown products and the farmers who bring farm fresh products to market
We had a garden project at Nauset High School
 that is being put on hold due to the building and renovation at the school.

Please make a donation to the market to help us relocate the garden and grow more food, and grow
more young farmers
make a donation to our
Cape Cod Five Scholarship Fund

We are inside until April 26th
10am to12pm
5 Namskaket Road
Lower Cape TV
15 to 20 weekly vendors

​Please join us at the
Harwich Community Center
100 Oak Street, Harwich
March 29 10am to 2pm
for a special event
"Meet Your Local Farmer"
we will not be in Orleans on 3/29/25
Click below document
for more information

Have you heard the Buzz


Please join us in supporting Pollinators on Cape Cod.


The Northeast Organic
Farmers Association

We all need
Pollinators to produce our food, flowers, trees
and so much more.

Please get involved
follow the above links

HIP is at the Market Info Table. We have 7 to 10 vendors Participating. Lots of great Winter veggies to choose from.

It's All About the Soil

Have a healthier lawn by 
leaving the grass clippings, mowing on the highest setting and eliminating the chemical fertilizers, herbicides & pesticides.

 Add compost for soil nutrition and water holding abilities and then water less. 

You will be creating a soil sponge. This sponge is home to millions of microbes that help the plants grow and stay healthy.

The soil sponge also helps to reduce runoff during extreme rains

Plan your planting and seeding to work with Mother Nature and the local small water cycles "Rain".

Try reducing the amount of lawn and planting the outside edges with local native pollinator plants and flowers.

You will be happy with the results and less work.


Follow this link
to find out about 
the Global Declining Populations of Insects

​Do You Know That:

According to 
The Rhodale Institute

"The Standard American Diet derives more than half of its total calories from highly processed foods
only 11% from fruits, vegetables, and Nuts."